Category: Case Studies
St Benedict’s Catholic Primary School
St Benedict’s Catholic Primary School
Our school is a one form entry school. It is part of an academy trust. PE and Sport is a big part of our school and we are always looking to provide additional opportunities to develop our PE and sport offer in our school.
One of our main aims was to continue to provide support to teachers in planning and delivering high quality PE lessons. To ensure we are providing a sequenced curriculum which provides the children the opportunity to continue to develop and build on the skills and knowledge in the different areas of PE.
We were already working with Elite Kids Coaching. Two members of staff attended a CPD day where we were shown some of the features of PE Pro. The videos that are built into PE Pro stood out to help support the staff in delivering the different activities. They are also really good to show to the children in advance of lessons to help support their understanding of the skills and activities they are going to take part in. We also liked the assessment element of PE Pro.
Staff feel supported with the planning and delivery of sessions. It gives the staff CPD on how to effectively deliver activities.
The children enjoy the activities that are outlined in the lesson plans. The children have enjoyed some of the additional sports we have added through following the PE pro planning.
The Pioneer Academy
The Pioneer Academy
About the Trust
The Pioneer Academy was established in 2011 at Stewart Fleming Primary School in Beckenham and has since grown to 17 schools across the South East. Each school is unique in its setting but with a core shared vision – Safe, Happy, Learning. Along with core teaching, PE has always been a prominent subject in all schools.
Your need was
The Trust was looking for a consistent approach to the teaching of PE. Previously, each school was using something slightly different and teacher skillsets differed between schools depending on whether there was a specialist PE Teacher. The Trust was seeking a PE curriculum that could be delivered by all staff and would provide a consistency between schools – teaching, assessment, resources. Not only did we feel that this would improve the teaching of PE and the outcomes for children but it would also support teachers balance their workload.
Why PE Pro
PE Pro was a natural choice, largely down to its comprehensive lesson plans, its video demonstrations to support teachers and a built-in assessment package. The ability to work with the team directly, through staff training, and through regular feedback has allowed us to bespoke the curriculum even further to meet our needs. PE Pro covers a huge range of sports and the progressive lesson plans ensure that children’s skills build year on year.
Impact on the Staff
For staff, PE Pro has improved teaching. The pre-written, detailed lesson plans allow teachers to focus predominantly on adaptation so that they can meet the needs of all learners in their class. The familiar structure of each lesson plan, again allows teachers to focus on the resourcing and the variation. Inexperienced staff are building up their skills, and are able to access the videos, if unclear, in order to improve their practice.
Impact on the Pupils
For pupils, PE Pro helped to develop and build on their physical skills. Children are being exposed to a wide range of sports and are also benefitting from learning about Health and Well-being through the program. They are engaged in their lessons, eager to take part and enjoying the range of sports on offer. PE Pro’s emphasis on physical literacy, with fundamental movement skills being of paramount importance, is having a huge impact on our youngest learners as they develop their gross motor skills.