What we offer
Lesson Plans
A broad and ambitious, fully mapped curriculum from EYFS to Year 6. Our lessons follow a learning objective with a success criteria that ensures all children can be successful in the lesson. Each lesson follows the same structure; Get Active, Athletic Development, Skill, Game. The plans are easy to follow, they have question stems to check for understanding and there are adaptive teaching methods to ensure all needs are met. A child’s physical literacy journey underpins our planning, with fundamental movement skills being of paramount importance.

Each lesson plan across the PE PRO platform has an accompanying video that shows what is expected from each activity. Great for less confident teachers and visual learners who can watch how to perform the activity properly.

Our easy to use, built in assessment tool ensures that children’s progress can be tracked across the academic year. We encourage three assessments per year. Assessments are based off a ‘Physical’ assessment which focuses on three markers; Locomotor, Object Control and Stability. These markers test gross motor skills. ‘The ‘Theory’ assessment focuses on the children’s confidence, competence, motivation, and knowledge & understanding – which are the four pillars of physical literacy. There are videos explaining how to complete the assessments as well as a built-in scoring criteria devised by experts. Teachers can use assessments to inform their planning for the next term using our ‘Create Your Own Curriculum’ tool.

In the documents tab, you can find a plethora of time-saving items! Short, medium and long term plans, progression documents, knowledge organisers, wet play ideas, lunchtime games, certificates plus much more!

Active Primary CPD
Our CPD days
Our CPD days are really not to be missed. Around 80% practical, we encourage teachers to get involved with an array of activities available on PE PRO including a ‘World Sports’ seminar. We have revered guest speakers, including professional sportspeople and respected colleagues from the education sector. Delegates are sure to leave having had fun and gained new skills whilst seeing how easy it is to navigate the app!

At PE PRO, we’re thrilled to work alongside Decathlon to provide all our schools with unbeatable equipment at unbeatable prices. Decathlon’s mission is to make sport accessible to the many including every child in the world! Decathlon designs and innovates its products for young people to enjoy and fall in love with sport from day 1

As part of our offer, we provide staff CPD to encourage best practises of the app. We offer consultations online or free twilights to schools to run a practical CPD ensuring staff are confident to navigate the app and are ready to deliver from it.
We have partnerships with School Games Organisers who help us deliver ‘PE PRO Festivals’. These local competitions for schools encourage healthy competition and the importance of leading an active lifestyle. An example of our festivals include; Functional Fitness, Dodgeball, Basketball, Girls Football and Handball.